Thinking about planning for your college education can be very intimidating, particularly in the beginning stages. There is so much to do during the planning process and all the while you have your other responsibilities as well. Your family will obviously play a key role in the planning but you will want to be involved in the experience as well.
The first step is to share your plans with your parents so that you can enlist their help right from the beginning. It is also a good idea to discuss your options, your grades, and your school records with your guidance counselor in order to determine which direction you should be headed. Aside from that there are two major tasks to complete early in the planning process and one useful tool for getting everything in order.
Research and choose a school
Which school you decide to go to will be one of the most important decisions you make. This means it is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Research is very important at this point of the planning stage because the research you do will serve as the foundation for the decisions that you will soon make.
Years ago students did not have the internet to research schools and were basically limited to the catalogs in their guidance offices or information from networking with others. These days though this is not the case and in fact you can research any school anywhere in the world with the use of the Internet. Being that you have so many choices it is important to begin your research early.
Determine and secure financing
Equally as important as choosing a school is securing financing to pay for your education. There are a variety of financing options available regardless of your personal budget or income.
You will want to determine what all of your personal options are and then make the decision.
Scholarships, grants, and loans are all ways that you can pay for your education but all have certain eligibility requirements.
Choose the best options that you are eligible for and be sure not to leave any stone unturned.
Use conference calling to collaborate
A number of individuals will be involved in getting everything in order for your college education. Conference calling can be a great way to collaborate with all of these individuals. For example, your guidance counselor can discuss guidelines for certain school applications and college representatives can answer your questions on a conference call involving you and your family.
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